Membership Application (2025)

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Membership Information
Please specify the name of organization along with position held and the duration (from and to dates)
I can volunteer in the following areas

As an applicant

  1. I believe in that there is no one who is to be worshiped except Allah and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) son of Abdullah Al-Hashmi of Makkah, Arabia is his last and final messenger and prophet.
  2. I concur with the objectives and mission of the ICEB and will abide by the Constitution and the By-Laws as they exist and are amended.
  3. My membership has not been terminated for cause by any Islamic Organization.
  4. I am not under any criminal indictment.
  5. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years.
  6. I am presently residing in the towns of East Brunswick, Milltown, Spotswood, South River or Helmetta in the state of New Jersey. (for new members only)
  7. I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Membership Fee (per year)
2nd Voting Member


Please note that this is the first step to submit the membership information along with payment details. The administration will review the provided membership information and have the right to accept or decline the membership request if it does not meet the acceptance criteria as defined in the by-laws of Iqra Community Services (a.k.a Islamic Center of East Brunswick). In case your application is not approved, your membership fee will be refunded.

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