Assalaamu Alaikum – May Peace be upon you.
In 21st century, the role of the masjid is as important as it was in the time of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him). At Islamic Center of East Brunswick (ICEB) Islam our purpose is to advance the Islamic faith through the provision of a wide range of spiritual, educational and social services enriched with Islamic values.
Our vision is to become a centre of excellence for Islamic learning and practice providing a beacon for both Muslims and other faith communities who wish to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Islam – a place where one can experience and embrace the genuine beauty of our faith.
Jazaakumullaahu Khairan
In 2004, some very considerate, thoughtful caring and dedicated people who moved to East Brunswick gathered to find a way to pray daily prayers in jamaat somewhere in East Brunswick, as the closest masjids such as MCMC, ISCJ or ICOB were not less than 10 to 15 miles away and it was not feasible to go for five daily prayers to either of these locations.
They did not have any place big enough to accommodate their fellow brothers nor sufficient funding. They did not even know enough Muslim families in this area to have a small place for congregation. However, they did know that one of the primary and important responsibilities Allah (swt) and his beloved messenger have given on the shoulders of Muslims is to build a masjid wherever they live. They worked very hard to find a place which can accommodate them in a very small budget. Luckily they were advised by the Mayor of the town to look for a place in an existing church where space can be shared.
After a long and hard search they found East Brunswick Congregation Church, which were willing to accommodate them in a reasonable monthly rent. Even though they were not able to establish a masjid and only have a Mussallah, they were happy to find this place. They gave the name “IQRA” to this new found place and as we know that this was the first revelation to our beloved prophet and has a very profound meaning “read”. In 2013, new by-laws were adopted by the members and a Shura was formed. Shura then selected a new President for a two-year term and a new administration committee was formed by the President. Members also selected to change the name of Mussallah from IQRA Community Services to Islamic Center of East Brunswick.
Who we are:
IQRA Community Services Inc., (ICSI) is a 501 C(3) non-profit Islamic organization (TAX ID:20-1632633) formed by the residents of East Brunswick and neighboring towns.
Please click here to read the constitution. ICSI was formed to provide religious and social services to the members of our community.
All activities are funded by voluntary contributions. For further information, please e-mail us at or call: (609) 948-IQRA (4772).