Assalamu Alaikum,
The crescent moon to commence the month of Dhul Hijja was NOT sighted in Haramain (Makkah and Madina). Further to this, the moon is not sighted anywhere in the eastern corridor of the United States therefore as per Hijri Calendar Committee (HCC) policy it has been decided unanimously that we will complete 30 days of Dhul Qa’dah In Sha Allah. The holy month of Dhul Hijjah begins on Wednesday July 22, 2020 and accordingly, the day of Arafah will be on Thursday July 30, 2020 and Eid ul Adha will be celebrated on Friday July 31, 2020.
Information regarding Eid Salaah will be communicated in a separate email later on.
Jazakallho Khairun!
This message is endorsed by the following Islamic Organizations:
- Masjid Al-Wali
- Muslim Center of Middlesex County
- Islamic Center of Old Bridge
- Muslim Community of New Jersey
- Islamic Center of East Brunswick