Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah Subhanah Wa Ta’ala and the strong participation from the community members we were able to surpass the quorum today to conduct the Special General Body Meeting.
Following are the Balloting results:
Ballot 1
Absentee voting was approved with 60% approval. This will allow ICEB members, living in East Brunswick and five neighboring towns, to exercise their voting right if they are not able to attend future voting due to sickness or being out of state.
Ballot 2
Following members have been selected as Shura delegates for the term January 2018 – December 2019.
1) Arshad Rizvi
2) Mohammad Rafiq
3) Nadeem Khadbai
4) Rashid Yusuf
5) Tahir N Jadoon
6) Youssef Elsayed